In the course of our everyday work, we are exposed to a wide range of interests, especially when it comes to the selection of raw materials and equipment, but also when dealing with customers and in our Research & Development activities. ADLER and its external stakeholders consider compliance and integrity to be a key topic which forms the basis for the way we run our business. All our employees are aware that breaches of the compliance rules could lead to high risks, in economic terms, in regard to the environment, or for society at large.

We have a Code of Conduct to guide us in our actions, which contains a set of principles for taking a responsible approach in our day-to-day business. It is based on our company values and on the principles of the UN Global Compact. The Code of Conduct helps us to ensure that we have a standardised understanding of responsible business practice across national boundaries. Among other issues covered, it contains a ban on corruption, including bribery and extortion, as well as various points relating to human rights, such as freedom of expression, protection against discrimination and a ban on child labour and forced labour. In the areas of Purchasing and Research & Development, the focus is on the acceptance of gifts and the disclosure of company and trade secrets.

As with strict compliance to the Code of Conduct, consistent adherence to our Data Protection Guidelines also promotes and justifies trust in the company and in its products. ADLER's data protection rules are based on the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). They are regularly updated and are taken into account in risk management by means of various processes and audits.

Tackling corruption

We see our suppliers and customers as partners, and there are a number of important values that we associate with the concept of partnership: integrity, loyalty, trust, and showing respect and appreciation. Compliance with the rules is also the basis for being a reliable, trustworthy and preferred business partner. In our dealings with our partners, we don't just cultivate a compliant approach to the rules because of the statutory requirements, it also comes from a deep inner conviction. We therefore adopt a very determined approach in rejecting all forms of corruption.

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