Our philosophy

We are committed to active environmental protection in all areas of our work. Through environmentally friendly production processes, we contribute to the reduction of waste and emissions. We are continuously developing our portfolio of environmentally friendly products.

What we have already achieved:

  • Organic products: with the Pullex Aqua-Terra wood oil as well as with the interior wall paint Aviva Terra-Naturweiß we offer completely organic products that are produced on the basis of renewable raw materials..
  • Low-emission paints: we have increased the share of low-emission water-based paints in our total production volume to 65%.
  • Environmental statement: we have been publishing a comprehensive environmental and sustainability statement for 20 years.
  • Honoured: our AVIVA wall paint programme and our Lignovit Interior UV 100 interior glaze bear the Austrian ecolabel.
  • Environmental protection: since 1997 we have been certified by TÜV Austria in accordance with ISO 14001 (environment) and part of EMAS, the world's most stringent environmental management system
  • Reusable containers: we supply around 25% of our total production in reusable containers and thus avoid unnecessary waste.
  • Clean fleet: since 2017, our fleet has been run exclusively on trucks meeting Euro 5 and Euro 6 standards . Where possible we use rail for freight transport.


What we still want to achieve:

  • Waste prevention: we want to further reduce waste from our production – to less than 6% of the total production volume by 2020.
  • Low-emission paints: with the construction of a new water-based paint factory, we intend to further increase the sales volume of low-emission water-based paints by 2020.
  • Clean mobility: by 2020, we will build two electric filling stations for our employees and visitors and expand our fleet with electric vehicles.


Was wir noch tun wollen:

  • Effiziente Energienutzung: Bis 2025 wollen wir unseren Gesamtenergieverbrauch um 5% bzw. auf weniger als 0,21 kW/h pro kg Lack reduzieren.Dazu werden wir u.a. Beleuchtungs- und Lüftungssysteme modernisieren.
  • Sauberer Strom: Durch zusätzliche Photovoltaik-Flächen wollen wir den Anteil selbst produzierten Stroms bis 2025 weiter steigern.
  • Nachhaltige Sortiment: Bis 2025 werden wir auf Basis nachwachsender Rohstoffe hergestellte, Cradle to Cradle-zertifizierte Produkte für sämtliche Anwendungsbereiche vom Möbel- und Fensterlack bis zum Holzschutzprodukt anbieten.
  • Ökologische Produkte: Bis 2025 wollen wir unser umweltfreundliches „green-Label“-Sortiment weiter ausbauen und seinen Umsatzanteil auf 20% des Gesamtumsatzes steigern

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