A profession as colourful as life - The range of activities of a laboratory technician in a paint factory ranges from product development, testing technology and production preparation to application technology and customer consulting.

Does your heart beat for paints and varnishes? Are you fascinated by modern technology, like to experiment and find it exciting to work on new developments as part of a young team? Then you have come to the right place!

This is what your training will look like

During your apprenticeship period (3.5 years) you will pass through different laboratories and production facilities, which you will become familiar with for 6 months in each case. In addition to the vocational school and the practical training in the departments, we support you through regular in-house training so that you can become our next chemical process expert. If you have already attained your Matura, a shorter apprenticeship period of 2.5 years is also possible.

For those who are still thirsty for knowledge and wish to enhance their skills after completing their apprenticeship, there is the possibility to undertake a part-time study programme (for example, at the MCI Innsbruck).

The following activities await you

  • Developing, manufacturing and processing paints and varnishes
  • Operation and control of systems via computer-aided process control technology
  • Conducting chemical tests and processes in test facilities and on a large scale in production
  • Performing and evaluating physical and chemical measurements
  • Physical and chemical test procedures with an emphasis on varnish-specific applications
  • Ongoing quality control and assurance as well as process analysis

Your qualities

  • Enthusiasm for chemistry and a good understanding of science
  • Not afraid of mathematics
  • Manual skills and technical understanding
  • Logical thinking, curiosity and enjoyment in solving challenging tasks
  • Diligent and accurate working methods

For this position, a collective apprenticeship compensation applies.

Tiroler Fachberufsschule St.Nikolaus 
Innstraße 36, 6020 Innsbruck 
Phone: 0512 285715, Fax.: 0512 285715-15 
E-Mail: direktion@tfbs-stnikolaus.tsn.at 
Web: www.tfbs-stnikolaus.tsn.at  


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