Profitieren Sie als ADLER-Kunde von unserem Premium-Service. Ihre individuellen Wünsche haben bei ADLER höchste Priorität. Die engagierten Mitarbeiter stehen Ihnen unterstützend bei der Produktauswahl, Anlagenplanung sowie technischen Fragen zur Verfügung. Unser Ziel ist es, Ihnen durch unser Know-How bei allen technischen Fragen oder Problemen zur Seite zu stehen und professionellen Service zu gewährleisten.



In our application technique (AWETA), concepts for rational surface treatment are developed individually for each customer.

Colour matching

Our coloristics supports you during sampling of our special colour tones (measurement and formulation of the customer's colour tones, creation of individual nuances ...).


We can take over the coordination  of our products with production facilities at various locations throughout Europe. We also take care of the optimisation of your coating systems. This includes comprehensive advice as well as the individual coordination of the products and configurations with your coating system.

Technical consulting

Our technicians will support you in all matters and accompany you during ongoing production. Not only by phone, but also on-site.

Delivery service

Delivery service. We guarantee the fastest delivery service from Schwaz or from one of our service centres in Austria, Germany, or internationally.


Protected by ADLER offers sales-promoting marketing services to help you present your piece of furniture and its high-quality surface to customers.


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